Tuesday 4 October 2016


Last week I got an email saying I was selected to enjoy one free trail for a customised scalp treatment from Yun Nam haircare. On top of that, I was also given a take home set if I registered by 2Oct. So seeing as I am going to be experiencing postpartum hair loss very soon I thought there was no harm going for th trial treatment. I initially scheduled th treatment for th 11th which is next week but Felicia, th receptionist that attended to me said in order to get th take home kit I had to do it this week. pfft. I shifted stuff around and made my appointment for Monday. And I clearly remembered her say no obligations. (Hold on to this point, It will be useful soon)

Upon reaching their Ang Mo Kio outlet, they placed me in a room for th hair scan and analysis session which is more commonly known to most as th "Shaming Session" where they practically tell you how much you have fucked up your hair and how your shampoo sucks and how you are so stupid you can't be trusted to look after your own scalp yada yada.

Before I got any service from them, I was told to sign some form stating that I had receive treatment as well as th home kit from them. Feeling slightly off because ain't I supposed to receive th treatment first? Signed it anyway cos I couldn't care less. Since it was one free trial.

In came my consultant "Jess Chan, Supervisor". Th amount of sarcasm this women was giving out? It was as though she saw me as a retard. Some young kid that didn't know anything and she was GOD. She started off by covering th basics. Analysing my scalp, saying that I had very little "new hair" growing out and when I'm going through postpartum, it will be even lesser and I will look like some old ahma with bald patches. She even added that wearing a wig was hot and itchy. Women are you cursing me? But to me, I felt that my hair was not as bad to th extend that I needed special treatment yet. Yes I know in a few months I will regret what I am saying due to postpartum, but even if so, I will certainly NOT patronise Yun Nam. Strike 1.

Firstly, I detest anything herbal due to th smell and their treatments are all herbal. Th only reason I went for th trial was to see what they would advice me and if she was nicer, I would probably cave in and get a package for postpartum. She showed me pictures of postpartum hair loss to shock me and that tickled something in me. But, th way she was conveying th message... Maybe with a different consultant things would have been different.

So th customised treatment wasn't really up to what I was expecting as I thought they would have been pushing something related to maternity for me. But nope. So th package for normal hair loss started of with $250 per sesh and total will be $2500. Since it was my first visit they brought it down to $1600 for 10 times. As i told them I was unemployed she said to give me additional discount which then was $1300 which was 130/session. So mind you I didn't really like this women's tone of voice already so I was hard on my decision not to get th package. I just couldn't see eye to eye (Pun totally intended, you'll know why if you met her). She then asked why I made an appointment with them when I wasn't keen on saving my hair. Let me explain. As a pure bred, true blue Singaporean, when given a free trial, won't you go? Why should I turn it down? She then gave th ultimate discount. 3 session for $300. That was less than half of th original price. I wonder how much they are conning people seeing as some pay $250 per sesh. I stood with my stand of not getting th package and at that time I had half a mind to stand up and leave already.

Then it came. She said, and I'm paraphrasing, something along th lines of, "you have been working before you stopped to deliver your child, surely you will have $300 right?  Don't your husband give you money?" WOAH WOMEN, whatever money I have, or whatever money my husband gives me is none of your fucking biz. Even if I had $3mil, I will not spend a single dime at your establishment after what you just said to me. I, for one, do not stand for sarcasm which was that little laugh you have been giving me constantly for th past 20mins. Strike 2.

And aren't I supposed to receive th treatment before I decide if I wanted to get a package? Just saying.

After all hope of me getting a package was lost, I was then lead to th worse hair wash of my 23 years done by, Jess Chan. It felt like she was trying to get it over and done with ASAP. I didn't know they added in a facial wash along with with Th hair wash. And that wasn't Th worse part. It was a half-assed hair wash. There was this girl sitting one seat down from me and I saw she got a normal hair wash. Like those at a salon, where Th lady would scrub and massage your head, make some small talk for a good 5-8mins and then brought you to Th basin to get Th soap off your hair. She even asked if Th water was warm enough. Me? I had to have a cold hair wash and to deal with it. And after, usually they would lift you up from Th seat right? My very pregnant body (mind you I'm at 37weeks as of now) got PUSHED OFF. Talk about inducing labor man. Strike 3. But I wanted to see what else was in store as I already planned to post about them. Silly me. Should have left while I was ahead.

She spend a total of 40seconds slapping th "treatment mixture" on my scalp and tied off my hair. Worse freaking trial I've ever been to. Same said girl previously have Th mixture lovingly and carefully applied onto her scalp for a good 5ish mins. Yes I was looking at th time while drafting out this post. Maybe she was a paying customer. Hmmm. 

Th steaming of hair for Th treatment mixture to be absorbed into Th scalp was tortuous. I literally felt my scalp burning and had to pull Th machine off my head a couple of times to cool my "very damaged scalp" off. 

After stewing in the seat for what seemed to be 20ish minutes, she blow dried my hair without rinsing. I'm not too sure if that's supposed to be th case but th hair dryer was sooo close to my head that my scalp was seriously burning by then. I had to tell her that th one inch between th hair dryer and my scalp was too near and my scalp was burning. She replied with a "Oh that should be th treatment taking effect" NO BITCH THATS TH FREAKING HAIR DRYER.  Oh. Did I mentioned it came with yet another facial massage? Yup. At one point her finger almost stabbed my eye. If my scalp wasn't damaged to begin with, it jolly well was after this treatment. Th way she was combing through my hair while drying my hair, I felt at least 3 strands of hair being yanked out of its root. Talk about hair loss man. Didn't you analysis that I have "very little hair". Why are you not handling my hair with better care? Is customer care only for paying customers? Gosh.

Jess Chan, according to you, my scalp is soooo damaged and that is how you handle my hair because I'm not purchasing a package frm you guys? That is not th service I was expecting from a well known company. If you didn't want to do free trails with no strings attached (yes, th first point in th start of th post is coming back to bite them in th arse), don't extend free trials out for people to be selected to receive. I certainly do not remember signing up to win a free trial. I just found it in my inbox. Treating me differently cos you couldn't talk a commission out of me? As I said previously, If your attitude was different it would have totally turned out differently. What makes you think that treating me with no basic respect and no care at all will warrant me to get a package from your guys? Good job. I didn't know Yun Nam's employees are like this.

Wait. Her name tag said "Supervisor". Kudos. 

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