Friday, 28 October 2016

Th Birth of Caleb Chia.

So I guess this is going to be a post that not much will be interested in unless you are pregnant, plan to get pregnant soon or weird and wanna know about child birth.

I actually started feeling super mild contractions around 430am Thursday morning. Although they were mild, I still couldn't fall back to sleep. So like an hour ltr, th hubs woke and realised I wasn't sleeping. He asked th same question he has been asking for th past week, "Wanna go to th hospital?" Seeing as that was 11 days before my edd, I didn't think anything about it and thought it was still going to be like a week or so before we actually see some action. So I told him not to be ridiculous and to go back to sleep and I'll fall asleep soon.

Th pain, although wasn't increasing, was persistent and was quite regular so I actually went to bathe and wash my hair. Yup, thats what every pregnant women do. Because of pang tang chinese beliefs, you can't wash your hair for a month. Hello, ever heard of something called hygiene? (FYI, I have washed my hair like 5 times or so thus far.) After showering and blow drying my hair, th pains sort of stopped? Although his whole family kept asking me to go in and through my thorough research done at work, you should wait for th pain to be unbearable then go to th hospital. I somewhat(forgive me I was pregnant) politely said I'll give th hospital a miss and went back to my room, thought I should catch some zzz but I only managed like 2 hours or so.

Woke up and when I wiped in th toilet, I saw bright red blood-ish discharged and then I went into mini should-i-go mode. So Ryan persuaded me to go after th contractions came back, at least to get th discharge checked out. Went to th hospital and was put on th baby monitor for what seemed to be 40ish mins and got sent home cos I was only 2cm dilated. Asked th doc for her opinion if baby will come soon and she said within these few days but defo not today.

Went home with th "I-told-you-so" face. In th afternoon, th hospital called to reschedule my appointment and I took th chance to ask th nurse when should I actually make my way down to th delivery suite. So she said if I felt pains and it was almost unbearable I should quickly make my way down. Silly me, I was then scheduling my maternity shoot to be shot th next morning before making my way down down to th long awaited baby fair to get some last minute items and our stroller. Survived th long day at home and then contractions started again around evening time. This time they were more severe but not very constant. So as usual I was sitting it out. Finally gave up around 11plus when I was just about curling into a ball and got an uber down to kkh. This time, I was 4cm dilated.

They got me into labor suite 18 and then I got into panic mode. I haven finalised th collection of my Baby's stem cord cell and cord blood. It was all supposed to be finalised th next day at th baby fair. I asked th nurse of th moment if they could collect it first then we call th company as it was 1am in th morning and she said they could not do it. They needed th papers signed before th birth of my son. At that moment I was in total lost. Th hubs was doing my admission papers and all I could think of was to call th agent, Nelson, I was speaking to in th afternoon. And that was what I did. Th poor guy was in th middle of his sleep and I woke him up. He said he could come down to th hospital with th papers for us to sign but there will be a rush fee. I agreed without a second thought. This was something that could save his life, my hubs or mine in th future if need be. Since I was stuck to th baby monitor and everything, th hubs was running up and down settling everything while I was riding out contractions and trying to survive on laughing gas they provided. But it was total bullshit to me. I look up to women to give birth with just laughing gas. Because you only feel a short high. It doesn't numb any pain whatsoever.

Around 4am, I gave up and ask th nurse to get th specialist down to give me th happy juice. At that moment, Nelson came and then Ryan went down to handle that. So I was there alone getting th epidural. At that moment, I was about 80% scared because of th epidural. I was not allowed to move, I was supposed to be sat in this C position that I couldn't really support myself in and there wasn't anyone there to support me in th position as there was only one nurse in th room and she had to assist th doctor. But I pulled through and then I was set to wait for th little one to move further down th birth canal. Th hubs came back and we took a short nap while waiting for the arrival of our Son.

Th nurses came back around 8 plus and woke us up. They said that it was almost time. But then, they had to give me one more shot of epidural as th first one ran out already. I could choose not to take it but that would mean that I would feel some discomfort when pushing. So, being th chicken that I am, I asked for th second shot. Come 9plus it was time to push. I really don't know if it was an intern that delivered my Son or what, but her name tag had th NYP logo. I'm assuming that she's learning to be a midwife or something? But she was exceptional, above and beyond. Lai Siew Theng. If anyone that matters is reading this, give th girl and A+ man! Not only did she make my labor so much smoother and helped sooooo much, she was so cheerful, helpful and polite throughout. From getting me ready to push, to actually delivering my Son. I guess without her, my 45mins of pushing would have been longer? I am truly grateful.

So that's th birth of our Son, Caleb Chia Wen Jie. Happy 2Weeks old baby.

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