Thursday 15 September 2016

Dear Diary

So I have officially entered week 34 and I must say, pregnancy is really getting to me. Maybe it was bad luck to be all smirk and say I was having a very smooth pregnancy and whatnots but Since th start of th week, I have been experiencing heartburn. It's horrible. It's like how you feel when you have over eaten by 70% at a buffet and trying to sleep at th end of th night. When you feel your stomach acids coming up but I doubt they are.

Also, my tummy has this constant ache (no not contractions like). I guess there isn't much room left in there for little Chia to grow. Have been staying at my mum's place since Monday and I must say, having finally see a full length mirror has really gotten me into like a semi-depressed mode. I noticed dark red stretch marks on my butt. Yes! Good lord I hope it isn't too late for damage control. Thinking about doing squats to get that fat ass in shape but will th stretching result in more stretch marks? Good Lord I need help! Pinterest is my go-to for most of my research but they are so.... ang moh. Not sure if it applies in my case. damn.

On a happier note, I'm sort of excited to finally see th little angel in like 2-6 weeks time depending on when his majesty wants to grace us with his presence. I'm looking pass th pain and jumping straight into holding my child. Seeing his tiny smile an holding his little hand, th pain will be noting compared to that.

Been researching about maternity and new born photo shoots too. Can't decide which company to go to. (People interested in collaborations please email me) Don't know if th hubs will do it seeing as he doesn't like that sorta things. But whatevs. Need to get all these essentials covered.

Anyway, Just a heads up to my friends. If you guys are planning to buy me(or Little Chia) stuff, please DO NOT buy clothes are clothes related stuff. Number one, you know how particular I am about clothes and fashion. Number two, I already bought a lot of cute stuff. If you really wanna get me stuff, please ask me what I need. I know writing everything out will make me look like some egotistic person that thinks people wants to buy me stuff. So yah, drop me an apps. If I don't reply that means I have changed my number(terminating one number soon) then just drop me a fb message.

And another thing. If you are honoured enough to be invited to see me at th hospital (I doubt I'll allow much people cos I'll probably look like shit), and you get a snap of my son, do not, I repeat DO NOT post any pictures of anything without my consent or you WILL BE DEAD TO ME. No one can post a picture of my son before me. Not my mum, not my husband, not my family, NO ONE. I have incubated him for th past 8 months and it's safe to say I deserve th honour of announcing him to th whole world. Understand?

TTFN, back to pinterest I go~

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