Sunday, 21 May 2017

Pigeon x Integirty

Let me just start this post off by thanking everyone that voted for my babykins. Till date, he has garnered 641 honest votes through sheer determination and his mother's shameless reminders to her friends to vote for him. Thank you if you voted once, twice, or like me, every 24hours. (I do set an alarm to vote) Let me just say that I'm about 99% sure that we wont get into top 10, but please continue voting! Just Click here and cast a vote, for th sick of voting anyway, and supporting this cutie pie.

This all started out with my SIL texting me in th middle of th night telling me that Caleb meets th requirements of this Pigeon contest and that I should seriously enter him in. We believe we caught th contest early as I didn't see more than 10 babies when I entered. So at that point I was quite optimistic that we had a shot at Top 10. Sending th link to most of my friends and families and getting them to cast daily votes for Caleb. And my SIL's mad skills at promoting her nephew, we were off to a great start at th beginning.

You see this contest goes like this. Top 10 babies with th most votes goes on to th next phase of th competition, th webisodes challenge where they will then compete with another set of rules which aren't release yet. And heres th reason why everyone wants to win.

Top baby gets a year contract with Pigeon and $3000 cash.

Now, down to serious business.

Since probably 3 weeks ago, It has come to my attention that there are many unethical mothers out there that "buy votes". Those that I am gonna mention did not necessarily exchanged money for votes, but they came up with a very scheming way of getting people to vote for their child.

Case 1 - Baby #175 x JJB

This mother is smart, she played on th fact that a whole bunch of mothers out there are crazy over th maternity brand, JuJuBe. So, she posted this on facebook

Sorry I'm not in this group so I only have this screencap a friend sent over.

Case 2 - Baby #815 x iPad Pro

This one is a whole other level man! Th parents of this kid is so darn freaking well to do that they can afford to be giving out iPads and other Apple products, why do they need to win this competition? It really baffles me. (As of 10:45pm, 21stMay, Baby Jude Png has 7431votes) Noticed it's a pinned post so everyone that goes into th site will see this Flash Giveaway

These are only th 2 I've heard of. I wonder are there more out there. If a bored 24yo can dig up these, I wonder what a bunch of paid employees can do. If only Pigeon thought it was an issue.

But I was not THAT pissed to rant it all up on my blog because I will just be sounding like a sour puss. But Pigeon posted this on their facebook page. And when concerned parents enquire, they gave a generic reply. You know how I hate generic replies.

I doubt their marketing department's english proficiency is any good when they claim that "Top 10 entries will be selected after screening to ensure votes and contest integrity" and then slap themselves in th face by stating "It is up to each individual's creative methods to get people to vote for their baby".

Creativity? Yes. Like a friend of mine that post cute pictures of her son daily asking people to vote for him with his huge eyes and pouty lips.

Exchanging votes for Apple products and Jujube? Man you're giving Apple a bad name here. And isn't this a red flag under "Integrity"? Or does that word have a different meaning in Pigeon HQ as opposed to th rest of th outside world. Not to risk sounding like a Sour Sally but if we were to lose fair and square I'll have suck it up. But to have people come tell me things like this? I am sure I am not th only pissed of mummy out there right now.

Babykins, I guess you will not be th next face of Pigeon and even if by some miracle you were to win, I will not want you to be associated with a brand that considers buying votes ethical. Anyway, mummy does not have th kind of money to be buying votes or giving out free iPads. So maybe I'll stop asking my friends to vote for Caleb and stop giving Pigeon any more free advertisement after this post. But I'll continue to vote every 24hours in th spirit of supporting my son and if anyone wants to do so, we thank you.

*Mic drop*

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