Thursday, 15 January 2015

Headlines Hairdressing x Purplehead

So a few days ago, I went down to Headlines Hairdressing to let Jerry asses my hair situation. End up allowing him to chop off my locks because I dabbled too much with experiments on my hair and they were prety much fucked. I seldom do such drastic changes to my hair but im so happy with th change. This photo was taken th next day in th bright afternoon light 

So this is me. pre-makeover.

Apart from bleaching and dying my hair, Jerry was nice enough to pamper my hair with th Mucota Scena 3 step treatment 

Step 1: Moisturize

Step 2: Repair

Step 3: Protection

 Jerry said that he wanted me to look like a Taiwan Mei so he has Ming "tong" my hair. 

Ending off with this picture so you can see th different shades of purple in my locks.

What's more, my readers just have to quote my name "AUDREY" and get up to 30% off* any treatment or service you do. 

Headlines Hairdressing
10 Anson Road
International Plaza
+65 62233133 / 98314134

Operating Hours
Mon - Fri: 10.30AM - 8.30PM
Sat: 10.30AM - 7.00PM
Sun: Closed

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