Christmas day itself th besties plus boyfriends went down to Celine's place and we had our little BBQ dinner. I was th first to reach and th rest were all late! What's new btw. Bus down to Parkway to get all th stuff and finally th late queen came just in time to bring all th stuff over.
Slacked a little while and both Min and I went to get th fire going. Flav and CH went to get more food (coincidentally forgetting my squid. What's a BBQ without seafood. Sigh)
Team B of cooks with th ever cutie Karomah in th middle.
Cel wasn't allowed to do anything because th more she does, th more we need to do damage control. Sorry babe. Th truth hurts but we still love you. (Future husband please take note. MAID, th second you marry her)
So our secret Santa was a huge success. Success being that we spoilt th whole thing. HAHA. Cel wanted everyone not to know who bought their present. But heehee. Teamspoilerftw!
Th girls, with Niks in our heart.
Love my trio
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